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How to Use VIP Emails at Match

What is a VIP email message? It stands for “Very Interested Person” and this is a new type of message that Match is testing at the time of this writing (right now only some users are currently able to use). You should see a “Use Your VIP Email” button when you're writing an email if you're in the group of users who have this feature enabled.

  1. You can only send one a week so use it wisely! VIP emails are awarded each Monday at midnight. If you don't use that week VIP email, you will lose when the next Monday arrives. Match should send you an email if you've not used your VIP email and the week is about to end.
  2. You will get a notification when your email is read.
  3. Your VIP emails will stay at the top of their inbox until they read it and respond or until 7 days is up.
  4. You will be marked as a VIP in the account of the person you contact conhecer mulheres bonitas coreano such as in their Connections page. You'll stay in these areas for 30 days.
  5. If someone sends you a VIP email and you reply, your email will have the same features in their inbox as if you had send the original VIP message.

Recommended Usage of the VIP Email Feature

I met my wife using Match but this feature didn't exist when I was using the service. Because of that, I don't have any firsthand experience sending these but I do know how I would use them.

First, I should explain that normally when I was looking at a woman's profile, I would have some guess as to how likely it was that she would write me back. A lot of this guessing was based on how much we had in common, her described personality, how she presented herself in her profile, how attractive she was, and my previous experiences sending emails.