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1. How To Get Your Ex Talking To You Again After Cheating

I cried and I confessed. I told him everything. The phone calls. The meetings that happened in a hotel room. The lies I told him. He said he never felt so betrayed by anyone. He didn't want to see me. He left the house to stay at a friends.

The fact is, your act of infidelity was a shock to your ex. It hurt them deeply and they are still trying to come to terms with what happened. At this point, if you try to console them or make them feel better, it's just going to make it worse.

But since you cheated on your ex, and you want them back, there are a few other things you need to focus on while you and your ex are taking space away from each other.

2. Lack of Sexual Satisfaction

To give you some number, only 15% of couples of breakup end up back together in a long lasting relationship. That number comes from a large scale study we did a few years ago and it has been widely accepted by most experts in the world.

A lot of times an ex will forgive you the first time you cheated on them. But if you cheat on them a second time even after they forgave you, it's going to be even harder for them to forgive you and trust you again.

Well, for starters, you need to read the 5 Step Plan or this huge guide on getting an ex girlfriend back. Both these articles are free and will give you a step by step plan to follow.

A couple day ago I ran into my ex, we talked and and decided to go out just to catch up on things, I had no intentions with him, but when we say each other he kept talking about when we were together, I wasn't feeling good at the time and I fell for it, we messaged days later, my boyfriend saw the messages and broke up with me, we've talked little since then but he is really hurt, I don't love my ex and I want my boyfriend back,I'm a couple of months I'm leaving so I dont have much time, what should I do?